Actaris flowmeter dn 65 mm- jual flow meter actaris
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In StockFlow meter Actaris |
Size: dn 65 / 2,5 Inch |
Tipe: woltex = wolmag |
Material: cas AIRON |
Temperatur: 50 ͦ |
Actaris flowmeter dn 65 mm jual flow meter actaris

Actaris water meter Woltex M
Horizontal Woltmann meter with extended accuracy range for water distribution applications
Woltex M is a horizontal Woltmann meter available in sizes from DN 50 to 500.
With its extended accuracy range it is dedicated to all applications around water
distribution where high reliability and accuracy is requested.
Actaris flowmeter dn 65 mm jual flow meter actaris
Flow meter Actaris |
Size: dn 65 / 2,5 Inch |
Tipe: woltex = wolmag |
Material: cas AIRON |
Temperatur: 50 ͦ |
FeatuRes anD BeneFIts
» Hermetically sealed register (copper
can/mineral glass envelope)
» Extended range approval
» Interchangeable approved mechanisms
without re-calibration
» Pre-equipped through Cyble as a
extended approved Range
Variable Qn EEC/ISO approval of Woltex
M ensures an unmatched approved range
of 107:1 (from Qmin to Qmax) instead of
66:1 for standard class B meters. This
is ensuring accurate and reliable data
collection in a large scope of fl ow-rates
typical of water network applications.
Leakage detection as far as peak
demands are accurately monitored initially
and over time.endurance & Peak Flow Resistance
This extended approval is the result of
more than twenty years experience in
Horizontal Woltmann design, from the
fi rst hydrodynamically balanced helix
patent in 1985 still resulting in unmatched
endurance capabilities to the use of high
quality materials.ease of Installation, Read and
Woltex M range is available in various
lengths and connections to minimize
installation costs. Interchangeable
approved mechanisms allows easy
maintenance without re-calibration. Ease
of read in the toughest environments (ie:
fl ooded pits) is secured by orientable
hermetically sealed register (copper can/
mineral glass envelope) WoRKIng PRInCIPle
The water velocity is rotating the
horizontal axis propeller. Special shape
of its inlet and outlet bearing 1 is
counteracting the natural hydraulic thrust
applied on the propeller then preventing
any downstream pivot wear.
LINK KAMI LANNYA: Menjual flow meter actaris