Flow meter Solar

Flow meter Solar
Flow meter Solar

 LC M10-1 LIQUID CONTROL merupakan alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengukur laju aliran atau Jumlah suatu fluida yeng bergerak mengalir dalam suatu pipa tertutup atau saluran

Flow meter Solar

terbuka seperti channel atau sungai atau parit atau gorong-gorong. Jenis fluida yang melalui atau diukur oleh flow meter bisa berupa cairan, gas maupun solid. Dalam Aplikasinya penggunaan flow meter untuk mengukur aliran baik berupa kecepatan aliran, kapasitas aliran maupun volumenya atau beratnya fluida mempunyai aplikasi yang bermacam macam.  Aplikasi penggunaan flow meter tergantung pada tujuan, manfaat, kendala  yang tergantung pada situasi yang dibutuhkan rekayasa sehingga pemasangan flow meter tersebut sesuai dengan tujuan dan manfaatnya.

Liquid Controls M and MA Series rotary motion positive displacement (PD)
meters offer the ultimate in measurement accuracy for custody transfer of
petroleum products, aviation fuels, LPG, and a broad range of industrial liquids.

Superior performance features
Low pressure drop – will operate on gravity flow or pump pressure.
Sustained accuracy – no metal-to-metal contact inside the measuring
chamber means minimal wear and deterioration in accuracy over time,
fewer recalibrations, and longer service life. Meters conform to NIST and
International Weights and Measures accuracy requirements.
Wide viscosity range – LC meters can accurately meter products from
less than 30 SSU (less than 1 centipoise) to 1,500,000 SSU (325,000
Maximum adaptability – choice of stock or custom elbows/fittings
provides unequaled mounting flexibility to meet widely varying installation
requirements.Temperature range
-40° F to 160° F (-40° C to 71° C)
*Stated accuracy obtainable when all variables remain constant. Reading/measurements
reflect a minimum of one minute of flow at selected rate(s). All accuracy statements
based on metering safety solvent (aliphatic hydrocarbon), approximate viscosity 1 CPS.
On higher viscosity products, the average deviation in accuracy will be less.

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