Nitto seiko flowmeter Tipe RSAO Size 2 inchi
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In StockJual Flow meter minyak nitto seiko
Flowmeter merk: Nitto Seiko
Tipe: RSAO 50
Size: 50 mm/ 2 inchi
Normal temp. ~80℃(-20~200 ℃)
1.0MPa or less(2.0MPa or less)
Within ±0.5%
FC200/CAC406, FC200/FC200
FC200/SCS14, SCS14/SCS14
Nitto seiko flowmeter Tipe RSAO Size 2 inchi

Harga Flow meter flow meter nitto seiko RSAO Size 2 inchi
Nitto Flow meter flow meter nitto seiko RSAO Size 2 inchi high quality flow meters since 1948 in the oil measurement fi eld. Our fl owmeters are used in a wide variety of applications including measuring of boiler fuel oil and diesel oil, as well as for transactions for kerosene, light oil and heavy oil. We have been serving numerous customers with accurate, compact, and excellent durability fl owmeters.
Features :
● High accuracy Accuracy is within
● Compact design The flowmeter is compactly designed, yet the indicator is easy to read.
●Excellent durability Simple structure enables long term durability with virtually no degradation of accuracy.
Harga Flow meter flow meter nitto seiko RSAO Size 2 inchi
- flow meter minyak flow meter nitto seiko RSAO Size 2 inchi
- Nitto seiko flow meter 2 inch
Flow meter nitto seiko
- ‐ Easy Installation and Maintenance
‐ Dry Dial, Magnetic Drive
‐ High acuracy
‐ reset counter
‐ Working Temperature Normal Temp ~80℃
‐ Max Pressure: Liquid pressure:
‐ flow range
‐ Selected High Quality Materials
‐ port size 2 inch npt
‐ Warranty
Nitto seiko flowmeter Tipe RSAO Size 2 inchi
Nitto seiko ukuran 2 inch dengan Adjuster untuk aplikasi oil, flow meter digunakan untuk mengukur volume minyak yang akan digunakan.berbagai macam merek flow meter yang sering kita jumpai, seperti flow meter AMICO, flow meter SENSUS, Flow meter Avery Hardoll, dan masih banyak lainnya.salah satu flow meter dengan akurasi yang bagus adalah merk macnaught, flow meter nitto seiko kami jual dan berbagai ukuran tergantung kebutuhan anda. Flow meter AIR Merk macnaught adalah salah satu flow meter minyak yang berfungsi untuk mengetahui penggunaan minyak atau seberapa liter atau meter kubik minyak yang telah melewati alat ini.Flow meter minyak merk macnaught sangat banyak digunakan di pabrik, perusahaan industri, Pertamina, PLN, baik perusahaan lainnya yang menggunakan minyak sebagai salah satu media yang dibutuhkan.
Data Sheet :
Size Diameter : 2″ inch
‐ Easy Installation and Maintenance
‐ Conection flange jis standart
- Easy Installation and Maintenance
‐ Dry Dial, Magnetic Drive
‐ High acuracy
‐ reset counter
‐ Working Temperature - ‐ Max Pressure:
‐ flow range
‐ Selected High Quality Materials
‐ port size 2 inch flange
‐ Warranty - ‐ Nitto seiko flowmeter Tipe RSAO Size 2 inchi
- ‐ flow range
‐ Selected High Quality Materials
‐ port size 2 inch npt
‐ Warranty - nitto seiko Nitto seiko flowmeter Tipe RSAO Size 2 inchi
- Nitto seiko flowmeter Tipe RSAO Size 2 inchi | Meteran minyak nitto seiko | jual flow meter nitto seiko tipe RSAO dn 50 mm | distributo flow meter minyak
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